Michigan Harness Horsemen's Association

2024 Award Winners

Appreciation Award

Teresa Marotta
Scott Graham
Jeff & Brianna Novak

Breeder Award

Snow Ridge Farms Mike & Libby Myers

Caretaker Award

Sadie Goodall
Leslie Daniels Yoder
Sherry Lange

Owner of the Year

Kyle Larner

Headliner Award

Southwest Amazon

Rising Star Award

Ty Goodell

Service Award
Michigan State University

Trainer of the Year

Tim Roach

Driver of the Year

Brad Kramer

Aged Trotter of the Year


Aged Pacer of the Year


Lifetime Achievement Award

Monica Krist
Ed Brown

Hall of Fame Horse

T Red Lifetime starts 486 (108) wins, (67) 2nds, (74) 3rds, race record p,1:51.1 ($481,786) Owned & Trained by Henry Gulley

Home Stretch Lifetime starts 117 (45) wins, (19) 2nds, (11) 3rds, race record t. 1:53.3 earnings of $314,645 Owned & Trained by June DuRussell and Driven by Tim Driver

Kaptin America Lifetime starts 21 (12) wins, (8) 2nds, race record t, 1:51.2 earnings of $311,950 Owned by Brett Boyd.

Hall of Fame Person

Ralph & Marjorie Deshetsky

Scott DeMull

Scott Stapleton

Dr. Frank Nichols

Dan Rathka Award

Honoring the Horsemen of the Year

Rick Dobson


2501 Jolly Rd. Suite 110
Okemos, MI 48864

Phone: (517) 349-2920

Email: info@mhha.com

Monday - Friday: 8:30AM - 5PM

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